Please contact the following for more information about ESWRAC

FEHRL Steve Phillips General Secretary, Forum of European Highway Research Laboratories, Blvd. De la Woluwe 42,
1200 Brussels, Belgique, tel: +32 (0)2 775 8238, fax: +32 (0)2 775 8254, email:,

Gaz de France Jean-Pierre Capdevielle Chairman: GERG PC Distribution, Chef du Programme Distribution, Centre de
Recherche de Gaz de France, 361, Avenue du Président Wilson, 93211 La Plaine Saint-Denis Cedex, France, tél: +33 (0)1 49 22 45 02,
fax: +33 (0)1 49 22 56 53, email:,

GERG Dave Pinchbeck General Secretary, The European Gas Research Group, Avenue Palmerston 4, 1000 Brussels, Belgique
tel: +32 (0)2 230 8017, fax: +32 (0)2 230 6788, email:,

UKWIR Dr Mike Farrimond Director, UKWIR, 1 Queen Anne's Gate, London SW1H 9BT, UK, tel: +44(0)207 344 1868,
fax: +44 (0)207 344 1859, email:,

European Street Works Research Advisory Council
"Research is needed to develop efficient, sustainable methods and techniques for the maintenance, renewal
and construction of infrastructure such as road and utility networks and to improve current practice"

  "Identifier et développer des opportunités pour réduire l'impact social et environnemental des travaux urbains"
  "Erkennen und Entwickeln von Möglichkeiten zur Reduzierung der gesellschaftlichen und umweltrelevanten
          Auswirkungen von Bauarbeiten an Straßen"
  "Individuare e implementare tecnologie finalizzate alla riduzione dell'impatto socio-ambientale dei lavori stradali"
  "Para identificar y desarrollar oportunidades para reducir el impacto social y medioambiental del trabajo urbano."
  "To identify and develop opportunities for reducing the societal and environmental impact of streetworks"